020 8567 3820 (vicarage) / 07497 477 665 (administrator)
Ealing Common
St Matthew’s opens its doors between 11am and 2pm on the second Saturday of each month, offering some hospitality and tours of our lovely church building. It’s a chance to look at our splendid stained-glass windows, the fine carvings and find out about our church’s history.
For more information contact: stmatthewsealing@gmail.com

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St Matthew's Church was 150 years old
on 18 September 2022
Click here for details of our special celebration
Welcome to St Matthew’s Church! We are a friendly, welcoming and inclusive Church who meet together to worship God. We welcome all in our parish and we pray, worship and socialise together. We have film nights, fellowship groups, and social outreach projects, working together for the common good of our local community around Ealing Common.
Whoever you are, and wherever you are in your journey of faith, a warm welcome awaits you here at St Matthew’s!

At St Matthews we believe in the commitment to ensuring safeguarding and protecting the welfare of our vulnerable parishioners. For example: children, young people and also vulnerable adults. We expect everyone who worships and/or works in these premises to share our commitment to this. Our policy for safeguarding is available for download below.
If you have any Safeguarding concerns or any questions, please contact any of the below:
Safeguarding officer - Claire Dutfield - clairedutfield@yahoo.co.uk
Children's Champion - Sandra Phillips - sandraphillips100@me.com
Church Warden - James Blake - james.blake254@gmail.com
London Diocesan Safeguarding Officer: 020 7932 1224
NSPCC 24 HR HELPLINE: 0808 800 5000
CHILDLINE: 0800 1111
8am - Holy Communion (BCP)
A traditional communion service using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer (BCP).
10.30 am - Parish Eucharist (1st Sunday of the month)
This service features sublime choral music from St Matthew’s Church Choir and accessible preaching! It lasts for approximately 1 hour. There are also children’s ministries and Sunday School.
10.30 am - Family Worship (3rd Sunday of the month)
Especially suitable for families, with our children leading prayers and worship. There is also a family friendly sermon and music from our new St Matthew’s Children’s Choir!
10.30 am - Morning Prayer Service (2nd/4th/5th Sundays of the month)
Our morning prayer services feature choral music from St Matthew’s Choir. Sunday School is also available runs at these services.