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Pet Blessing Service

IT WAS raining cats and dogs outside-but that didn’t stop all God’s creatures (great and small) from making their presence known at St Matthews last Sunday, at our third annual animal blessing service!

This service has rapidly become one of the most popular and well attended services at St Matthew’s over the past couple of years. And once again, a wonderfully diverse variety of animals (and people!) came through the doors; hamsters, cats and dogs, and even a pair of Chilean Degus (!) gathered together in Church to be blessed, while the St Matthews Sunday School children read their own unique version of the majestic biblical creation story. We also learnt all about the life and teachings of St Francis of Assisi, and his great mercy and compassion for all of God’s creatures and the whole of creation. The junior choir joined together with our regular choir for a rendition of “Make me a channel of your peace”, based on the words of St Francis’ most famous prayer.

A very big “thank you”to all parishioners, guests and visitors who made this such a lively and colourful service! (Same time again next year?!)

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